5 Great Exam Revision Tips

Just as athletes cannot expect to perform at their best without putting in the necessary hours of training, students can’t expect to get top marks without serious exam preparation.
Unfortunately, many students do expect just this, putting limited effort into revising, and expecting to make up for it by cramming the night before a test. At the other end of the scale, some students put so much pressure on themselves in the lead up to exams they suffer burnout.
These tips will help students achieve the right balance when it comes to exam revision.

The brain needs time to process and store information, so leaving revision until right before an exam can do more harm than good. Revision should ideally start soon after lessons begin.
It’s helpful for students to develop a study timetable at the start of each term. Summarising class notes during revision sessions is an excellent way to review what’s been learnt. Reading over these notes regularly is much more effective for retaining knowledge than last-minute cramming.

While summarising and reviewing notes is an important part of revision, it’s equally important for students to practice what they’ve learnt. This means that students should regularly be writing practice essays and completing past test papers as part of their revision.
This strategy is called ‘depth of processing’ and it’s one of the best ways to ensure that students can remember and apply what they’ve learnt. Reading over notes alone will not equip them with the skills needed to succeed.

The brain loves stimulation and variety, so it makes sense to use a range of revision practices when studying for exams.
Students can make use of flash cards, mind maps and other visual aids to help them remember concepts and formulas. This is especially useful for visual learners.
Auditory learners may prefer to listen to a recording of their notes, while verbal learners will get a lot out of study group discussions. Researchers have found that explaining concepts to others is a highly effective way to learn because it forces the ‘teacher’ to organise and clarify their knowledge.
No matter which learning style a student prefers, they can all benefit from a mixture of these strategies.

Overloading before an exam is almost as detrimental as doing no revision at all. Even students who are well-prepared often make the mistake of cramming at the last minute in the belief that this will improve their marks.
On the contrary, it’s been found that those who take a break from study the night before an exam perform better.

Not only should students relax the night before a test, but taking regular breaks while studying has also been shown to boost learning.
Research has found that students who rest after learning a new concept have better recall a week later. This reinforces how important it is for students to relax and have some fun when revising.
Students who follow these revision tips will reap the rewards.

Getting enough sleep is essential for memory, problem solving and executive function in kids. This is supported by recent studies which have found a strong link between sleep and academic success.
Children who get the optimal amount of sleep for their age acquire information and retain it more effectively. Those who don’t get enough sleep suffer from a reduced attention span and executive function. They’re more likely to display challenging behaviours.
While most parents recognise that sleep is important for learning, the reality is that many young people today are suffering from sleep deprivation.
Getting kids to go to bed at a reasonable hour has always been a battle for parents, but it has become more of a problem recently due to technology. Electronic devices can keep children up playing games and chatting on social media late into the night, often without their parents’ knowledge. Consumption of popular energy drinks also has a detrimental impact on sleep.

Adolescents and Sleep
Adolescents are particularly at risk of sleep deprivation due to the biological processes involved in puberty which make it harder to fall asleep early and get up early.
Lack of sleep can not only affect academic performance in teenagers, but can lead to more risk-taking behaviour. The important changes taking place in the brain during adolescence mean that quality sleep is essential for growth and development.
Many teenagers fall into the bad habit of staying up late to cram for exams the next day. This is very counterproductive as consolidation of learning happens for adolescents during the REM phase of sleep. REM can only take place when teenagers have achieved deep sleep over several hours, meaning they require a solid night of sleep after studying to perform at their best.
Sleep is needed to organise memories and learning. It affects problem solving, concentration and memory. The more learning that takes place, the more important quality sleep becomes to retain knowledge. According to experts, high school students need between 8-10 hours of sleep per day for optimal health, while younger kids need 10-12 hours.

Healthy Sleep Habits
There are many things parents can do to instill healthy sleep habits in children:
  • Establish a consistent routine. From a young age, children should be accustomed to going to bed at the same time each night.
  • Allow enough time to wind down. It’s a great idea to read a story together or chat with your child about their day before bed to give them time to wind down. This helps to clear his or her mind and can help those who struggle with insomnia.
  • Limit screen time. Not only do devices overstimulate kids before bed, but the LED lighting also affects sleep hormones. One hour of screen-free time before bed is recommended.
  • Exercise and diet. Kids who eat well and exercise regularly will enjoy better quality sleep and will be more inclined to stick to a healthy sleep routine.
Sleep and academic success go hand in hand, so make sure your child isn’t missing out.